this is just another diy blog written by a mother of two who likes to craft, sew, cook and travel - thanks for stopping by

Monday, December 3, 2012

DIY Bead Ornaments

Long time no see... well... my last post was in summer and now it´s December already. I apologize! But now that I am back, I have some nice projects to share. 

Here is how you make your own bead ornaments with cookie cutters. As always, I got the inspiration on Pinterest...

The link will lead you to a blog that is written in Danish, but here is basically what you do: 

Cover your baking sheet with parchment paper and grease it. Also grease your cookie cutter.

Fill your cookie cutter with one layer of craft beads. 
Put it in the oven (200°C/395°F) until beat are melted together (mine were 10 min). 
Toss in a bowl with cold water et voilà!

This our first attempt, but we will do more for sure!

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