this is just another diy blog written by a mother of two who likes to craft, sew, cook and travel - thanks for stopping by

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Gray Tee with a Little Gray

I am getting braver when it comes to sewing without patterns. Yesterday, I made my first T-shirt! 

And here is how: 

 Trace a tee that you like and that you want to copy. 

After cutting out half of what you have traced, fold the paper in half and adjust the other half (you could just trace half the shirt and copy it).

 This is your self made pattern! (easy isn´t it?)
 I wanted to add a little "color" to my gray shirt, so I decided to cut this corner in a different fabric (I chose a different kind of gray).

 After pinning and sewing both pieces together you will get your front piece.   

 You could cut your back piece on the fold to get one piece or you can sew two half pieces together if you want to have a center seam at the back.   

 Here is my front piece. 

 Here is my back piece with center seam. 

 Next, you close shoulder and side seams.

 Finish arms, neck, and bottom with double folded cuffs.

That was simple, wasn´t it?

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