this is just another diy blog written by a mother of two who likes to craft, sew, cook and travel - thanks for stopping by

Monday, September 3, 2012

What are we doing today, mommy?

Does that sounds familiar? My 3 year old wakes up in the morning asking the same question almost every day - at not only that one time in the morning. She also asks at lot about the days of the week "does the garbage truck come on Sunday?" etc.

This girl needs a calendar, I said to myself! My intention to make her a little weekly calendar wasn´t to avoid all these questions, but to teach her the basics of how everything repeats and how we can not choose which day it is (even if I sometimes would like to skip Tuesday through Thursday and fast forward to Friday). 

So we made a craft project out of it where she could choose which colors, paper, and stamps we used for reoccurring events like preschool, park play dates, and the farmers market. We also added other important things like the garbage truck on Tuesdays and daddy on Saturdays and Sundays.

Do you see my fabulous art of drawing a play structure and a garbage truck?

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