this is just another diy blog written by a mother of two who likes to craft, sew, cook and travel - thanks for stopping by

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Dress or Tunic?

I made a dress for my daughter over a year ago and she had worn it only once for a wedding. There was something about it that I didn´t like (maybe it was to wide - I can´t quite remember). One year later, it was still in her dresser and somehow I couldn´t put it away. 

Some weeks ago - out of the blue - I had her wear it again and she picked a pair of jeans with it. And... it was the most gorgeous tunic I had ever seen on her!!!

I liked it so much that I took out the old pattern and made her another one of the same size, even if she´s a year older now and of course much taller. 

 green with flowers is the older one 
and the one with purple leafs is new

Never give up on a project that didn´t turn out the way you wanted...

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